Still Alive!
Hello, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog lately, or had much time to check in and see how all of you are doing, but things have been hectic, both in good ways, and bad.
I had a wonderful visit to Adam's family in the UK, and my nephew Ben, now 5, is just an amazing kid, and reminds me of Adam in a lot of ways. Today would have been my 4th wedding anniversary, actually. It feels like forever, and also like it was just yesterday. I'm doing ok, so far.
My aunt hasn't been too well lately, so I've been trying to help with her as much as I can.
Also, we had to put my family dog, Maggie to sleep last week, which was absolutely heartbreaking.

She was 14, and had a wonderful, pampered life. She's had arthritis in her back legs, and over the last week, started falling down... it was time, but that didn't make it any easier.
My favorite Maggie story... She had always had a little bit of a problem with cookies- mainly that my mother fed her them constantly. She always brought the paper in every morning, and would get a cookie for this. So she was put on a diet, and was absolutely miserable. One morning, she went out to get the paper, and was gone for a while... when she came back, she was lumbering along, dragging 6 newspapers! I suppose in her mind, if one paper equalled one cookie....
We returned the purloined papers, and she got her snacks.
We love you, Mags.
Been doing a lot of mosaicing, and will soon have photos of the massive log cabin blanket I've nearly finished!
Hope you're all well. More soon.
I had a wonderful visit to Adam's family in the UK, and my nephew Ben, now 5, is just an amazing kid, and reminds me of Adam in a lot of ways. Today would have been my 4th wedding anniversary, actually. It feels like forever, and also like it was just yesterday. I'm doing ok, so far.
My aunt hasn't been too well lately, so I've been trying to help with her as much as I can.
Also, we had to put my family dog, Maggie to sleep last week, which was absolutely heartbreaking.

She was 14, and had a wonderful, pampered life. She's had arthritis in her back legs, and over the last week, started falling down... it was time, but that didn't make it any easier.
My favorite Maggie story... She had always had a little bit of a problem with cookies- mainly that my mother fed her them constantly. She always brought the paper in every morning, and would get a cookie for this. So she was put on a diet, and was absolutely miserable. One morning, she went out to get the paper, and was gone for a while... when she came back, she was lumbering along, dragging 6 newspapers! I suppose in her mind, if one paper equalled one cookie....
We returned the purloined papers, and she got her snacks.
We love you, Mags.
Been doing a lot of mosaicing, and will soon have photos of the massive log cabin blanket I've nearly finished!
Hope you're all well. More soon.
I am so sorry for the loss of Maggie :( What a great story about the newspapers and snacks though! She sounds like an awesome dog.
I'm so glad you're back! Sorry about adorable Maggie though : (
I'm glad you're doing well. So sorry about Maggie.
It's good to see you back! Sorry about Maggie, though; it sounds like she was a sweet dog. I hope your aunt will feel better soon.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been working on!
Sorry about the previous "anonymous" message; it was me, but my computer didn't let me enter my name and URL, and I forgot to sign it to make up for that bug.
Have a great day!
awww I'm so sorry about Maggie =(( Glad to hear you're doing ok--I've been wondering what you've been up to lately =)
It's so good to have you back! I'm sorry you lost Maggie. She looks like such a sweet dog.
It's good to see you back! I am sorry about Maggie, that's heartbreaking.
I can't wait to see what you have been creating!
Glad you had a nice visit. I'm sorry about your aunt and Maggie. Best wishes to you and your family.
très dure épreuve que je connais hélas ... Maggie a rejoint Balto et Coton, là haut, mais toujours dans nos coeurs.
courage et beaucoup d'amour pour vous.
ann, de bruxelles.
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