Monday, July 02, 2007

Birdbath Update and other happy things

Thanks to all of you, for your very kind comments in my previous post. I had intended to delete it after I wrote it, but ended up having to run out the door, and forgot. Sometimes I need to just vent, and I do it here sometimes, and I'm sorry if I can be a bit heavy sometimes. (wow, how many times did I say "sometimes??!" You guys rock.

Ok, so. Happy things.

Firstly, and most importantly, my dad got his PET Scans back and the cancer seems to be officially gone!!! He'll need careful monitoring and tests, but I am so, so thankful that it seems he'll be ok.

Secondly, my garden is doing nicely. It's such a source of joy for me. R mentioned the other day I should get a camera with a big zoom lens (he was more technical than that), for taking photos of my birds. I have a pair of Orioles this year. Very exciting.
There is a climbing rose that is doing amazingly well this year- here is one batch of flowers- they're incredibly fragrant and such a gorgeous red- I didn't fuck with the colors, this is what they look like-

They're fading, but check out these buds!

And this baby, I can't remember what it's called, but someone here might know!
It has another shoot coming up with loads of buds, as well...the bracelet I'm wearing was my 30th birthday gift from my parents and sis...

The lavender is also exploding, you may be able to see some in the background of the rose photo.

And now- the birdbath. It's coming along. Once all the major work is done, I'll need to do a lot of fiddly fill work...

Here is one of the leaves, with no flash...

Here is an over all pic.

Originally I thought I'd do the edge in cobalt, but then decided to mix it up. I also usually (ha! This is my second piece!), prefer to work very organically, not using perfect geometric shapes, but decided to give it a go for the edges. I personally find it easier, but less interesting to look at.

Here's another pic. That's my blood! I didn't realized I'd sliced a knuckle fairly deeply until I saw the blood on the concrete!

Here's some detail of the edge- it's amazing the difference when it's grouted and the excess glue is wiped/scraped off!

So that's it for now! Thanks again for all of your support.

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Blogger Dame Wendy said...

That is looking so beautiful!!

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The birdbath is fabulous and the flowers are too - I just love a pretty picture. I am coveting a birdbath bigtime, and I don't even have a YARD. :)

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for your dad!

Your mosaic work is one of the most loveliest things I've ever seen!

2:56 AM  
Blogger Nell said...

That's fab news about your dad - I'm really pleased.

Is that a Camelia? Or maybe a Mock Orange? i have no idea about flowers, I just saw one similar and had to look it up.....

The bird bath is great, I love the way the blue gets darker toward the edge.

3:52 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

You are taking 'blood, sweat, and tears' to a whole new level! Seriously, the birdbath is gorgeous - I love how it is dark blue on the edges and gets lighter toward the middle.

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! You are doing such a great job.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

love how it looks like water moving....really lovely.

9:53 PM  

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